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Cornell University

Ukrainian at Cornell

started in December 2022

Welcome to Cornell’s Ukrainian Program!

UKRAN 1100 Introduction to Ukraine. This 1-credit course is taught in English. It offers an overview of the history, culture, geography and language of Ukraine. Students in UKRAN 1100 meet with a teacher once a week for 50 minutes. No prior knowledge of Ukrainian language, history, and culture is assumed.

UKRAN 1121/1122 Elementary Ukrainian. These are an in person, four-credit courses that will help students to develop elementary proficiency in the Ukrainian language, while acquiring a basic knowledge of Ukrainian culture, history, geography and way of life. The unique curriculum incorporates folk songs, to help improve your understanding of phonetic and grammatical concepts.

UKRAN 2200 Contemporary Ukraine. This 2-credit course offers a close look at the language and culture in independent Ukraine: Western vs. Slavic linguistic heritage, Internet styles, Russian vis-a-vis Ukrainian influence, and more. Mileposts of the 20th and the 21st centuries are discussed in depth. How have Ukrainians pursued self-determination through culture and language after decades of oppression and control?

UKRAN 3305 Reading and Writing in Ukrainian. The course is designed for students with Ukrainian heritage who speak more or less standard Ukrainian but have only beginner’s understanding of grammar and have not learned to read or write well (or have not learned written Ukrainian at all). In the two required classes, the focus will be on developing reading, writing, and grammar skills, while enhancing existing spoken fluency and cultural understanding. The third (optional) class teaches reading and discussion, focusing on contemporary styles.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: When taken for 3 credits, UKRAN 3305 satisfies the foreign language requirement in the College of Arts and Sciences and adds 3 credits towards fulfilling the liberal arts requirement in the School of Engineering.